- Comfrey also known as “Knitbone” – A great prepper Herb
Happy Earth Day Everyone! I chose to feature Comfrey for my second Herb of the week feature. This is an herb that lot of people probably do not have in their gardens. I think of it as kind of an old-fashioned herb but its way more than an old-fashioned herb it is one that the Native American’s relied on for its healing properties. That being said the jury is still out on whether Comfrey should be taken internally so I say NO why take the risk if you don’t have too it has been shown to damage the liver and some say not to even use it topically. Even if you never used it topically it’s a beautiful herb to have in your garden the leaves are soft and yet have sticky properties and on one blog I went to when I was doing research she mentions that the Native American’s used the leaves for pouches.(Kristen’s Herbal Garden – Comfrey) I had never heard of this but I have to admire the Native American’s creativity and resourcefulness we often think that in the past they were not as evolved as us but in some ways maybe they were more evolved because they were not able to just “Google” how to use comfrey they had to figure it out for themselves and listen to years and years of Shaman or Medicine Man/Woman or Healer’s wisdom for their tribe or community. We tend to just “Google that”….;)
Some folks don’t even think Comfrey is all that attractive it is a perennial and it will keep coming back bigger and bigger. My plant is huge and it has no aroma but the plant will grow up to 36″ tall and a spread of about 18″. I keep mine in a huge pot and it has certainly filled it up! I think it’s a beautiful plant and like knowing that if I ever need it I could turn to it for a medical use – I tend to think of it as more of a prepper item for my garden so that if I needed to rely on it – it would be there!
**Home Apothecary**
Roots and Leaves have historically been used to apply to swellings, sprains, bruises, cuts and used as a poultice for stings, abrasions, blisters, abscesses and boils.
Comfrey is also widely known for healing and clearing up skin problems. You can use the roots to make decoctions, and the leaves to make infusions that have antiseptic properties.
Comfrey’s power to heal wounds is credited to a substance in the plant called allantoin listed in Merck’s Index of Chemicals and Drugs for its use in skin ulcer therapy.
***Comfrey and Garlic Poultice*** -( This would be a great poultice to treat a sports injury perhaps.)
1 handful of fresh comfrey leaves
1 clove garlic
Some honey
Pound leaves with enough honey that has been warmed to make a thick paste. Also pound the garlic clove too and stir it in. Apply using a light soft warm cloth and leave on overnight. Yes you will smell but it works!
Comfrey used for cosmetic purposes was researched by Swiss writer Dr. Vogel who placed great faith in Comfrey and comments that a salve made from it for wrinkles, crows feet, and or aging skin will be regenerated by its continual use.
***Comfrey Cosmetic Recipe***
Comfrey Face Mask
1 tsp. each of honey and brewers yeast
1 tsp. plain yogurt
1 tsp. each of comfrey and marigold infusion
1 tsp. olive oil
You may have to think the honey with a little bit of boiling water and the mix all ingredients together except for the oil. Mix all together until it forms a paste and cover your face first with the oil and then put the mask paste on and leave for 15 minutes or until it becomes dry. Wash off with water and then apply a mild toner such as witch hazel or comfrey toner.
Hope you enjoyed taking a peek at my favorite herb this week! I enjoyed learning more about it too I did not realize myself about the cosmetic uses for this herb. I may be making a salve soon
Have a great Sunday!
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Great post, Karen Lynn! Guess what? I do have comfrey growing in my garden. Just a seedling, but it’s there.
I planted it for medicinal purposes, so it’s great that you shared this today. Thanks for teaching us about it this week!
Kristi no worries if its like mine its going to grow fast! My favorite part of doing the herb of the week is that it helps me learn about all the herbs! Have a great Sunday!
Cool! I never knew that it wasn’t safe to take internally – thanks for the warning, thanks for the great write-up!
Glad you enjoyed it Tammy! Yes I am going to use it for cosmetic uses and healing but decided with the Technology we have today not advisable to take internally!
How about feeding it to chickens, using wilted leaves to feed rabbits, and best of all as a soil treatment when you plant potatoes.
Suz great ideas thanks for sharing!
I recently worked with a company, Genuinely Simple, that made a neat comfrey healing salve. I loved it!! Just in case you want to try it
Thanks Sasha I appreciate you sharing
Great post! I love comfrey!
Thanks so much! I do too and I enjoy continuing to learn about all my fabulous herbs!
I LOVE comfrey! It’s such a awesome healing herb! i use it in my owie cream and my baby powder and it rocks!!!
I think it’s such an interesting and necessary herb to keep on hand. Thanks for sharing how you use it!